To register or to get paypal account , we must be at least 18 years or more and we must have email adress as username that we will use to be our paypal account later. Beside that, Before we start register, we must prepare the data to create your PayPal account, such as Email, Name, Address, Phone, credit card number (Make sure Name, Address, Phone akan that content to your registration with the data on your credit card).
The other important point to have paypal account, we must have :
1) Credit card Paypal = User of Indonesia at this time can use a credit card to activate / verified accounts first, and only a credit card from a bank that received
2) To Withdraw from paypal, you must have a credit card from Visa, Visa debit card, or prepaid Visa card
If we have all above, we can start to get paypal account for do transaction in internet ( online business ).
Do you want to know how to register paypall, please wait, i will tell you in the next posting.
Thanks for your attention…
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